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Thursday 16 December 2010

Personal Development: the motivation of failing

It is unwise to do the same thing you have been doing, in the same way but to expect a different result. Failing is an opportunity to get better. In fact it is part of life and an important segment of one's learning curve. It usually informs us that something is wrong, could get wrong or needs our attention. It serves as a caution alert to prevent further damage, induces improvement or a turn in the opposite direction. After having done all you know to do and still failed, it is better to sit down and think so you can get a way out. Personal development is a life time activity, you keep on keeping on, so you don't become outdated.

If all that everyone does is rated high then the world will be filled with mediocre. So you must take on the challenge of improving and motivating yourself all the way to the top. You must learn to get the inspiration to turn things around. A child trying to walk does not try once and gets walking at first trial. He must fall and stand and try again many times until he starts walking. That's nature teaching us not to give up. The challenge is we feel, we are now adult and give in to pressure around us that can turn one to "Jack of all trades but master of none". It is important to note that all human have areas of strenght. I mean there is an area of human endeavour that you are good and expectional in. Can you try and remember something you learnt to do and was fun. Do you know you made many trials and attempts but possibly because you have a passion for it, you keep at it. So it is good to develop a passion for any thing you are involved in, it turn attempt to a hobby or delight.

As a matter of fact failing or failure is relative. I mean it depends on individual. A man may consider himself a failure because he is making $50,000 annually while someone making $10,000 might see himself as a great success. It depend on ones vision and faith. Do believe you have the capability to do more.

You need to listen to listen to motivational speakers, read inspirational quotes, books ans stories. Attend personal development seminars and trainings. You need a life coach or mentor. If your company has a way of encouraging employee motivation, let it inspire you to develop every areas of your life adn if not go all out for inspiration by yourself. Personal development is a choice because the personthat gets better fotr it is YOU.

History is filled with men and women who motivated themsevles to go get going despite their failures. Abraham Lincoln despites failing in his political pursuits became the President of America. The Incandescent bulb came after many failed experiment. Thomas Edison said - I didnt fail I only laernt how the incandesent lamp cannot be produced.

Fail forward don't remain at a spot learn and move on. There are more in front of you than there is in your past.


Wednesday 11 March 2009

what will you do if you fail

It is generally believed that a man in an hole should not continue to dig if he want to get out. This summarises the title above. What will you do if you fail.
It is better to sit down and think so you can get a way out. The dead is the only one without a second chance move ahead. We are waiting. You are in a game until it is over it is not over.
What do I do:
  • sit down and think 'why did I fail'. Is it that you did not put in more effort, dont have enough knowledge
  • what SHOULD I do. Not what can I do. Go for knowledge to know what should be done in this situation. Oh, you are the cause of it please dont condemn yourself. If you are at fault acknowledge the fault and make amendment. No excuse is acceptable.
  • Just Do It. Analyse but do something

Please remember it is your life, your success your achievement, your goal, your destiny. Only YOU can stop yourself. Go ahead dont stop. Remember Abraham Lincoln. A friend said Lincoln was only failing forward he eventually got to the highest point in his political career.


Thursday 13 November 2008

wisdom calls

I hope the website I introduced in my last post was a blessing to you. I would like to introduce another site which is going to be a blessing to you the site is Please take time to explore these two websites they have always been blessing me abundantly. This is the only life you have explore wisdom to live it well.

I dont care if you had failed before; have failed now or you are currently experiencing failure(s). Dont worry, you have only known how things wouldn't work. Dont be afraid,because your Creator loves you just as you are. There is no person like you, you are special, believe me,you are. We are all waiting for you because there are treasures from the Creator that He specially send you to deliver on earth. Please do well to deliver. we are waiting. Go ahead, dont stop

Wednesday 12 November 2008

the living

Hello, I would like to introduce you to a site that you can get the real truth about your life. And you know your life is the most valuable resources you have. The site is go there and explore the site. Have a nice day

Thursday 4 September 2008

life- a gift

Oh could you believe you are alive or are you alive . Am amazed that there is nothing I could do to have life. I mean when I sleep there is no button I press to wake up. I am alive not by my doing. This makes me wonder what I could do to the one that gave me this life, uh, what can I actually do?.
What is a gift. A gift is what you are given. That is, you didn't buy it. Possibly you didn't even merit it. Though sometimes you might merit a gift but in this case you didn't because you have not live the life you are given before. Life is a gift, a great gift that affords me the opportunity of being given (getting) other gifts.A great gift that is measured in times and seasons viz: egg, foetus,new born baby,toddler,child,teenager,youth,adult,old age. With each stage being special and peculiar, but, please enjoy teach stay while it lasts. One important issue is that you can't go back in time and live that stage again.
What you do with a given gift can either encourage the giver to give you more or regret given you the gift. God is the giver He want you to know the purpose of have the gift.

Thursday 7 August 2008


He who fails to plan, is planning to fail so goes the saying. There is a need for planning. It is very important , just as eating is neccessary for growth. Planning is usually done with the mind. Preparation of a sound plan will not automatically bring the suucess desired, however lack of it will definitely lead to failure. Note that failure is relative, what you call failure might not be failure to another

So what is the mind?. The mind is the part of us invisible but real. It is the seat/home of the intellect and consciousness. Thinking takes place in the mind. It is sometimes believed to be the same as the brain. A person without brain can not have a mind . Sciencetist have proofed that the human brain is limitless. The brain is more powerful than the fastest computer in the world. So invariably the mind is limitless.

The basic functions of the mind are as follows. The mind is used mainly for: learning; understantanding; reasoning; imagination; memorising; will; perception; emotion. This function sometimes lead one to anther for example, you can not have an understanding of what ou did not learn(know). Learning is gathering knowledge through reading, organised class, observation, experimentation. Understanding have to do with being able to put knowledge together, that is, you actually know what is being learned and can put it to practical use, the level of understanding differs even when two people learn the same thing. Reasoning is thinking about a situation or problem to get a soution the level of understanding one has about an issue will determine how he/she reasons. Imagination is putting images together, so people say it is dreaming about the future. Zig Ziglar said that the greatest nation in the world is not American but imagi-nation (imagination). You can build a great future for yourself via what you imagine. Once a man loses his mind he has lost one of the greatest resources in his world. What you think is who you are. Memorising is the ability of the mind to acquire, store and retrieve information. Will has to do with deciding and determination. Perception what you feel or think about something/someone. Emotion is basically feelings. Well let's revert back to our topic : Planning

It involves the process of thinking about a desired outcome and neccessary in-come(simply put,what do I have to do to get desired result). It talks about the input/output , cause and effect relationships. And one of the greatest law of the universe is the law of Cause and effect. Planning
has to do with forecasting and thinking. A plan ought to be a realistic view of the future expectation. It could be long, short or medium term plans. Plan is an important aspect of business and the human life is itself a serious business, it is also required in every aspect of life.
How should a plan look like:
  • It should have a clearly defined goal/target(which is set by a person in authority,specific,realistic, easily measureable and acceptable)
  • Identify all the main issues needed to be addressed
  • review past performances or achievement
  • what is the financial demand/ requirement for the goal
  • what is requires and how do I met them
  • Focus/zoom into matters of strategic importance
  • Identify shortcomings and lapses
  • what is the duration of the plan and the structure to be put in place
  • what is the strategy for implementation of plan
  • review the plan frequently
  • Believe in the plan

Remember the iron clad law of cause and effect . The mind is the greatest tool for planing. Believe in yourself

I believe in YOU

Sunday 13 July 2008

i can do it

I can do it . I know I can but something seems to be telling me I can't. but can I? can I? can I?
To this question, I dont have an answer to it. But, please my friend can you answer for me? Sorry, I can't answer it I can only tell you, you can . However, I can't tell to what extent you can do what you can (but I know you can), you'll have to answer by yourself.
So how far can you go?
Answer for yourself
You have only today, if it goes it becomes yesterday.
I want to hear your answer


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